'A human was preaching,& speaking,about the significanceof his religious teachings,He looked confident,a feeling of constantdevotion and dedication,he seemed dominantuntil,a human sitting inthe audience,asked,about the truth behindthis whole conscience,The preacher tried to explain,but was intervenedby the humanbehind the question,and said,"We are just human beings,like any other living being,the conscience behindeach one of themis the same,and the lord of the lordscan't be two,the animals and the birds,don't take their swordsup, against each other,based on religious teachings,and hence in spite ofall the advancements& developments,we have failed to cherish humanity,failing to realize our actual capacity,& the consciousness behind this perfect creation;let's not preach any religion,let's not bar an individual's vision,let's just preach humanity,let's just hold on to the basics,in the manner,the creator of you and mewould have liked to see".'
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